T H E   D E R E L I C T   M I S C E L L A N Y

R e f l e c t i o n s   o n   f o r g o t t e n   a n d   a b a n d o n e d   s p a c e s
{locations by type} {locations by county} {locations a-z} {autojumble} {miscellany} {retrospective '04-'14} {about} {FB}

"Tumbled are the towers, ruined the roofs and broken the barred gate, frost in the plaster, all the ceilings gape, torn and collapsed and eaten up by age." The Ruin, Anonymous, 8th-century A.D.

Disused buildings have always fascinated, enchanted and sometimes repulsed us. Entering an abandoned building is like entering a different world: stillness reigns and noises seem amplified, the sharp smell of damp hangs in the air, light and shadow play tricks on the mind and nature intrudes, creeping across stone, wood and metal in strange and beautiful ways. The Derelict Miscellany seeks to document this world and uncover the lost history of abandoned spaces.

Sharpenhurst Recent(ish) News

01.07.24: The Derelict Miscellany is back! Currently fixing broken links - new locations expected in the Autumn. Follow me on Facebook for updates.

25.08.21: Miscellany updates.

07.02.21: New feature: BBC Tatsfield remembered.

30.08.20: New location: Sharpenhurst Reservoir.

Photographs and articles featured on BBC, Channel 4, Northern Mining Research Journal and ArtOvrag International Festival of arts and culture.
The Derelict Miscellany: website and all content © D. A. Gregory unless stated to be otherwise.